Data Services

Box Survey: Wax/Wax Alternatives

Since 1940, the Fibre Box Association (FBA) has been collecting data about box shipments to generate reports such as the U.S. Corrugated Industry Statistics (Quarterly Report), Industry Annual Report, North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Report and a number of voluntary benchmarking reports like the Key Performance Indicators Survey (KPI) and the Productivity and Waste Survey.

In addition to these very highly-valued reports, we also collect data from time to time on types of corrugated packaging that could help us better understand and answer questions about industry trends.

Brand owners, CPGs and retailers are very concerned about sustainability and the recycling of packaging. Today, most waxed boxes are either burned for energy or discarded to the landfill. The industry has done a terrific job of replacing most wax boxes with aqueous coatings. FBA has been annually tracking the shipments of wax-treated and wax-alternative boxes since 2009.

A survey was emailed to each member company, and we request that the survey form be completed and returned by Monday, December 6, 2021.

To receive the survey form again, or to answer any questions, contact Stefanie Dozois at
