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FBA Marketing and Communications Committee: Kick-Off Meeting

Fibre Box Association (FBA) has scheduled a Marketing and Communications Committee Kick-Off Meeting for Thursday, January 18, 2024, from 8:30 am to 10:30 am CST.  The meeting will be held virtually through Teams. 

The FBA Marketing and Communications Committee is responsible for promoting the positive benefits of corrugated packaging to end users. The committee will help to manage the Corrugated Industry Promotion Program funded by FBA’s supplier partners. The purpose of the program is to inform corrugated customers, retailers, packaging designers/specifiers, industry employees, and future new hires about the benefits of corrugated packaging and to correct misinformation about the industry. 

The committee is open to all FBA member companies and is best suited for company representatives who work in either marketing or communications. If you are interested in participating on the committee, please contact Rachel Kenyon at or (847)364-9637.