Latest News
Dec 19, 2022
Below you will find a few articles in the news recently that might be of interest to you:
Where Does All the Cardboard Come From? I Had to Know. - Entire forests and enormous factories running 24/7 can barely keep up with demand. This is how the cardboard economy works. Read more:
Sustainability, innovation in packaging rising throughout the industry - In June, California passed the Plastic Pollution Prevention and Packaging Producer Responsibility Act (S. 54), which requires a 25% reduction of plastics in single-use products within the state by 2032 and a 30% recycling, reuse or composting rate for single-use plastics by 2028. The sweeping legislation is expected to affect companies across the produce industry, from packers to packaging suppliers. Read more:
European Commission outlines plans to revise EU packaging regulations - The Commission said that it wants to reduce the quantity of packaging waste and “restrict unnecessary packaging”. It also aims to promote reusable and fillable packaging solutions as well as making all packaging on the EU market “recyclable in an economically viable way by 2030”. Read more: