The Tech Box

The Tech Box – August 2021

Safety & Health Guidelines and Recommendations

Fibre Box Association (FBA) pays close attention to important corrugated industry issues by monitoring and addressing them through a committee structure.

As separate, subject matter groups, the committees identify, understand and prioritize these industry-wide issues impacting the corrugated industry and work to find solutions that could not be achieved by individual companies acting alone.

As the Director of Technical Services, I facilitate three of FBA’s committees: Technical, Environmental and Safety & Health. In 2020, these three standing committees pivoted with the pandemic and began meeting more often, virtually.

Instead of meeting twice a year in person, the Environmental Committee is meeting quarterly. And the Safety & Health and Technical Committees are meeting with shorter agendas, about every 8 weeks. The change has been well-received by the committee members.

I’m extremely proud of the work that the committees have been executing. Last month’s Tech Box highlighted new research completed by the Technical Committee. This month, I want to alert you to new guidelines created by the Safety & Health Committee.

These guidelines or recommendations are offered as an educational/informational service to FBA members and are intended to supplement and enhance each member company’s own programs. The most recently completed guidelines focus on personal protective equipment (PPE), and the control of hazardous energy (LOTO). They can help expose member companies and individual employees to issues, regulations, solutions and alternative opportunities that are specific to our industry.

Click here for guidelines created by the FBA Safety & Health committee regarding personal protective equipment.

Click here for guidelines created by the FBA Safety & Health committee regarding control of hazardous energy.

These are two guidelines of many, that the committee has created and persistently supports to aid FBA member companies with their safety programs and policies. The guidelines will continue to evolve and improve as committee members share examples and discuss the value of the specific guidance.

If you are interested in learning more about any of FBA’s committees, please reach out. We always welcome new members to share their time and experience.


Mary Alice

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Mary Alice Drain is the Director of Technical Services at Fibre Box Association (FBA). If you have technical questions about the corrugated industry, you can reach her direct at